Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Vick indictment by far most interesting thing going on today

Atlanta Falcons Quarterback uber-bust Michael Vick was indicted today on charges relating to a dog-fighting ring he was running out of his mansion. Wow. Just...wow. Honestly, these charges seem too weird not to be true. Like if I was going to make up some fake charges to try and discredit a black superstar athlete, I don't think my go-to move would be "running an illegal dog-fighting ring". I'd just say the guy stabbed somebody, probably his wife or girlfriend, like they usually do, and that would be that. But dog-fighting? Is this the 1800's? Did Michael Vick somehow become embroiled in the plot of "The Great Train Robbery?"

As you can see, it's a somewhat slow news day. The only interesting thing happening other than this is a plane crash in Brazil, which is tragic but fairly cut and dried. And, oh yeah, the senate is going to meet all night tonight to discuss a renewed vote on the Iraq war. Look guys, nobody would be happier with a renewed war vote than I would, but the bottom line is that it takes sixty votes to get around a filibuster. So either you have the sixty votes or you don't. It doesn't take all night to figure that out. You just count the votes and either move to the resolution stage, or you go home, wait for a couple hundred more soldiers, and a couple thousand more Iraqis to die, then come back and see if anyone else has woken up and decided to listen to reason. All this debate and crap is just ego-stroking for Harry Reid and the rest of the politic hacks on Capitol Hill. We get it, you hate the war, it's a bad idea. Two thirds plus of the country agrees with you, and the other third still thinks Saddam Hussein was flying one of the planes that hit us on 9/11, and thinks those planes contained biological weapons. They're idiots. Who are you trying to convince? How about the 41 or so idiots in congress like Lindsay Graham, who I could happily condemn to death? The problem is that those fucks won't be convinced by debate on the issues. Staying up all night fighting about it isn't helping anything. They need the political heat of dead soldiers in order to change their minds. That's all that will get it done.

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