Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Rove testimony may be the lynchpin...

Remember those contempt subpoenas issued by Congress against Josh Bolten and Harriet Myers lat week? Well, now they're considering going after Karl Rove, and I am just delighted. Bush is trying to block Rove's testimony pretty hard...good call, Bush. For some reason, I have a gut feeling that Rove testifying would degenerate pretty quickly, for two reasons. One, the guy has his finger in every pie in the world, the level of dirty tricks he has committed is basically the same as the total number of dirty tricks played and secreted by this administration. Second, and perhaps more important, Rove is a smarmy asshole who thinks he is smarter and better than everyone else, including congress. I'll bet he would happily stoop to perjury, or at least get up there and act like he had a perfect right to choose which questions to answer and which questions not to answer. God that is a scene I would love to see on C-Span, Harry Reid screaming at Karl Rove and Karl Rove just smiling back up at his with his bald head gleaming, calmly saying something about executive privilege. Happy days.

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