Monday, July 21, 2008

McCain tries to pass off Republican Talking Points as an Op-Ed...FAIL!

Last week Obama write an Op-Ed in the New York Times about his plan to withdraw from Iraq. Today McCain tried to put an Op-Ed in the paper and it got rejected. Of course, the right wing and the McCain campaign will take this as just another example of liberal media bias, and they're already up in arms about it, but the NYT was totally correct not to publish it. It was nothing more than a recitation of Republican Talking Points and innuendo about what Obama must be thinking. McCain doesn't offer a single new piece of information about himself or his plans in the piece. I'm not going to go through it point by point. Jason Linkins already did a great job over on HuffPost:

All I will say is that, whenever a candidate starts trying to tell me what the other guy is thinking, or what the other guy's actions MEAN, I cringe and instantly think they're full of shit. It's fine to criticize the guy's policies, but it's not okay to make assumptions about the other guy's motives. And it's not the responsibility of legitimate newspapers to give that kind of bald political posturing a forum.

It's almost funny at this point, because the McCain campaign seems almost incapable of simply explaining any of it's positions. It can only talk about what Obama says or does and try to tell us what that means about him as a candidate. Hopefully the rest of the country finds this as transparent as I do. I can't wait for the debates.

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