Sunday, June 24, 2007

'08 Race degenerating quickly

Most of the articles about the '08 candidates online right now deal with issues like:

1) Obama saying that the religous right has stolen religion and used it to split the country. (which is true)
2) Giulani's reasons for quitting the Iraq study group. (which we'll never really know)
3) The lobbyists on McCain's staff. (Which doesn't matter since he has absolutely no shot anyway)
4) Bloomberg marching in a gay rights parade. (Uhhh...he's not even a candidate)

Now I really think that, with the other critical stories to cover around the world, there shouldn't be any stories about the '08 candidates. It's too early, and there's too damn many of them to keep the news focused on them right now.

But, since they are covering them, let me just point out that NONE of these stories have ANYTHING to do with any relevant issue. The news just is not reporting on candidates actual positions. It's ridiculous.

You know what would make a great article? Some papers should just publish a list of issues, and where each of the candidates stack up on those issues. How come that's not in any of the mainstream sites or papers? Maybe I'll put that on the blog, if I get time to compile it.

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