Thursday, June 14, 2007

Footsteps of the Apocalypse

I just learned about this story on "The Daily Show", and I had to google it to find it on any mainstream news website. Here is the NYTimes link:

This is a story about how the US Military is now arming the Sunni insurgeny that was killing our troops scant months ago, on the condition that those troops promise to fight only Al Qaeda from here on out. The US commanders supporting the plan admit that it is "fraught with risk."

Did I miss the part where we lifted the prohibition in the Army against hallucinogenic drugs? What are these guys fucking on? I mean look, I know the blogosphere is generally blowing up about this, and I know at least 99% of the comments are exactly the same as this one, but the reason for that is simple: People who take the time to write blogs also generally take the time to read at least a little bit of history. Read about ANY time in the history of this or any other country that we have provided weapons to an insurgent or revolutionary group. The result is ALWAYS that group using the weapons to our desire in the short-term, then turning them on us in the long term. There's one group that everyone knows that has followed this pattern: The Taliban.

So the question isn't whether the Sunni's will break their word, but when they will do it. It's a simple issue of the moral scale: If you're willing to kill someone, it means nothing to lie to them, especially when needed supplies and weapons hang in the balance. It's the same principle that allows our soldiers to abuse and torture Iraqi prisoners with such apparent disregard. Torture is less than murder, so what's the problem?

The lack of understanding on the part of our generals is gross and disturbing. In fact, it is unbelievable. The only logical conclusion is that they aren't ignorant. They're desperate. This is a last resort, it has to be. If not it is the single stupidest, most unnecessary blunder in the history of organized warfare.

This is the last gasp of a dying fish lost in an endless desert. The come-down from a crack binge that started at the edge of memory. It's not hyperbole to say that this is the lowest point in American history since I was born.

Chris Matthews did an hour long show today without mention of this story. It's not leading on any of the news web sites right now. I follow news rabidly, and I didn't hear about this until just now. That's trouble for this country. Big trouble.

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