Monday, June 11, 2007

Paris Hilton and a Black Honor Student from Georgia

I just read this:,2933,280572,00.html

article on, which I only usually read to keep up on what the enemy is saying. This time though, I'll say that they reported an important story that puts other issues in a reasonable context.

This kid, an honor student, was 17 when he got a blowjob from a 15-year old girl. The key here is that there was no rape involved, she totally consented to the encounter. There was a video made of the incident (not by the accused), prosecutors showed that video to a jury, and the kid got 10 YEARS in prison. Let me repeat that. A kid in High School got a decade in prison for getting head from another kid in High School. Uuhhhhh...WHAT?

By the way, if that's a crime, I should probably confess that when I was a senior in High School, there was plenty of hook-ups between guys in my class and Sophmore girls (I had a Senior GF at the time), and none of them got anything more than a Hi-5. This makes me absolutely sick, and it smacks of extreme racism. I don't know for sure, but I'd give someone 5 to 1 odds that the "Victim" (who never claimed to be a victim) was white. Maybe 10 to 1.

So the kid just got his sentence reduced on appeal, by the one judge in all of Georgia with an ounce of common sense. And now the prosecutor is appealing THAT decision, trying to keep this honor student in prison -- for nothing.

The real question is this: What is more dangerous, consensual sex between two underage kids who attend the same high school, or multiple drunk driving and driving with a suspended license violations?

Maybe someone should send this story to Paris Hilton in jail, or to Sheriff Lee Baca, or better yet, to Alberto Gonzales and George Bush. This is an absolute traventy of justice, and my heart really goes out to this kid and his family. I wasn't as much of a news junkie when this story first broke as I am now, but I can't believe it. Where is the outcry? Where is the fairness, and the justice in this justice system?

The sad part is that some small part of me was starting to feel for Paris, because I was becoming convinced that maybe she was getting unfairly prosecuted for her celebrity. And maybe that's the case. But sorry Paris, your case has been usurped in my heart by all the much greater transgressions of the Justice System that happen in this country EVERY SINGLE DAY.

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