Friday, June 29, 2007

Everything is getting worse

I woke up this morning depressed, and THEN I looked at the headlines. I actually don't even have the will to pick a story and rail about anything. We're losing in Iraq, more of our guys are getting killed than ever, everyone in the world hates us, out political system is hopelessly screwed up, our Constitution is in tatters and George Bush is using those tatters to wipe his ass after he just shit across all our faces. The supreme court has gone totally conservative on everything except protecting said Constitution, and Roe v. Wade will fall before the end of Bush's presidency. We're going to get terror attacked again within the next five years, and with any luck it'll happen in Hollywood and take me with it. Happy Friday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

everything is getting worse always. but that doesn't mean you can't stick around for the entertainment of life. hell you don't even need to give up, keep trying, get that good job and make more money so you can have as much fun as you can as the world goes to hell in a hand basket.