Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Audobon Society Report and the Paradigm of Consumption

I woke up this morning and read the following article:


The article talks about the disappearance of some of the most common bird species in N. America, with an average population reduction of 68%. It isn't so much that this comes as a surprise, but I was feeling really good this morning, until I read this and a pit settled in my stomach at the spectre of what is actually the most important issue facing humanity today. The article puts a fine point on the real problem:

"The trouble with humans is that even the smallest changes in our behavior require an epiphany."

The fact is that the only "solution" to the environmental problem is a total paradigm shift in human behavior across the board. We don't need a percentage reduction in fossil fuel emissions. We need a reduction by half of the amount people drive and fly in airplanes. We need huge and stringent controls on land use and air quality. And we can't even approach that in this country, much less developing countries.

What I refer to when I say paradigm shift is the fact that people are so resistant even to small changes. It take a national fight and a huge amount of political will to get a five percent reduction in fossil fuels. The first thing that has to happen is we are to save ourselves is people have to stop scoffing at the idea. Maybe that will take a few more Hurricane Katrinas, a few more Ritas, and even a few uprisings by the third world, whose access to basic services and potable water will be totally gone within the next few decades. It's a sad fate, but one we have earned, and one we are laughing in the face of. It scares the hell out of me.

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