Tuesday, June 19, 2007

MSNBC News Shows failure today

Okay, let me say first that I think the Pundits and hosts on MSNBC are the best of all the 24 hour news networks. Top to bottom, they ask the best questions and let the smallest number of egregious statements go unremarked.

That said, they failed today with regard to the Karl Rove email story. Chris Matthews and Tucker Carlson both devoted extensive coverage to Presidential Elections more than a year away, and neither did so much as mention the fact that 88 or more members of the current administration have broken the law, and that increasing evidence is available that they violated both the Hatch Act and the Presidential Records Act. These newest revelations are damning on a number of levels, and are but a further example of the duplicitous and decietful nature of the administration in general.

The only Pundit to give it proper coverage was Keith Oberman. Bravo Keith, but the problem is that he is too liberal for it to make a difference. That is, Oberman is going to cover ANY story that looks bad for Bush, so him being the only one to cover it makes it look like a liberal issue, which it is not. This is a well-established legal precedent that dates from early in the last century, and it should have been a lead story on any network. Bad form, MSNBC

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