Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Talking Heads and The War

I'm watching Hardball with Chris Matthews (MSNBC) right now. It's my favorite of the bullshit talking head shows, a category into which I don't put excellent shows like Charlie Rose, et al. Anyways, Matthews does a nice job, but he is so limited by the format of his show that I can barely stand to watch it at times.

Today he had Bob Shrum on, a pundit who I actually like, and they spent 20 minutes talking about Krum's book, and Matthews was grilling him on comments he had made about the Presidential candidates. Things like Edwards saying gays made him uncomfortable at times, and a bunch of other meaningless crap. And I suddenly thought "Hey, did the Iraq war end during the last commercial break? Or is Chris Matthews just helping Shrum pimp his book at the expense of genuine content?"

I yelled at the TV for a minute, then my roomate told me to shutup and calm down. It's not that there's anything wrong with pimping books, and I understand that it's a hour-a-day show, and they can't have hard-hitting discussion every single second, but it's so damn frustrating to watch them talk about BS for twenty minutes, and then have to cut off discussion of an actual issue because they "ran out of time". Can we have two commercial breaks discussion about the most important issue in the world, and maybe chop 10 minutes out of the Bob Shrum advertisement? Is that too much to ask?

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