Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Evolution and the Presidency

I just heard Mike Huckabee say "I don't think anyone in America cares about whether their presidential candidates believe in evolution." Uhh...really? Actually, Governor Juckabee, I care. To me that's like saying nobody cares whether their candidates believe in Gravity. If you don't believe in either of those things, you are not competent to enter into any sort of reasonable discourse, because you clearly are not persuaded even by overwhelming evidence. The problem is not evolution per se, but the idea that scientific proof must be seen to put argument to rest. It's the fact that a refusal of the principle of evolution is a refusal of the scientific paradigm, and that is simpy no longer acceptable in a mainstream candidate for president.

Huckabee went directly onto say "I think there are issues Democrats and Republicans can agree on. We have 2 kids drop out of High School every second, and others who put their heads down and take the most expensive nap in America." So I guess Huckabee is trying to push himself as the pro-education candidate.

Hey Mike, what do you think they teach in those schools? If you want kids to agree with you that evolution is bullshit, you don't need to wake them up, you just need to make sure they sleep through science class.

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